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Dr. Hans-Günter Schmidt
Universitätsbibliothek Würzburg
Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg
phone: 0931 / 31 85964
Würzburg Virtual Library has been developed 2009-2013 as a joint project of the Digitisation Centre, the Department of Manuscripts and Early Printed Collections and the Chair of Computer Science II of Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg (Prof. Dr. Jürgen Albert). Since 2014 the website is run under the responsibility of Würzburg University Library only.
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Dr. Herbert Baier Saip
Marco Dittrich
Ursula Dorn
Marion Friedlein
Felix Kirchner
Kerstin Kornhoff
Ulf Weinmann
Simon Beretta
Markus Friedetzki
Winfried Höhn
Wilhelm Hörner
Björn Mittmann
Frank Müller
Hendrik Schöneberg
Jivko Vantchev
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