
Pomona Franconica : déscription des arbres fruitiers, les plus connus et les plus éstimés en Europe, qui se cultivent maintenant au jardin de la cour de Wurzbourg ; avec la représentation éxacte de leurs fruits, en figures en taille-douce ...

Mayer, Johann Prokop

35/A 22.5

Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der "Freunde mainfränkischer Kunst und Geschichte e.V. Würzburg"

Dieses Werk im Katalog der UB Würzburg

Pomona, the Roman goddess of fruitful abundance, gave her name to the three-volume work "Pomona Franconica", which deals with fruits and fruit tree breeding. The Würzburg court gardener Johann Prokop Mayer (1735-1804) published it in the years 1776 to 1801. To him, the pomological literature of the time seemed badly illustrated. To achieve better illustrations, he worked together with the Nuremberg publisher Wolfgang Adam Winterschmidt, the outstanding botanical book illustrator of his time.

Virtuelle Bibliothek Würzburg

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